Mindfulness Training

based on Kindness and Compassion

Mindfulness coaching for individuals, groups and organisations.

Why Mindfulness?

“Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience.”

Jon Kabat Zinn

Only by looking within can we find the peace and contentment that comes through truly knowing ourselves

Become Who You Are

Mindfulness and compassion training enable us to recognise and transform repeated, negative thinking and behaviour patterns; - of great benefit - when they are not serving us well.

Manage Physical and Emotional Pain

Mindfulness is clinically proven to alleviate physical and emotional pain, including psychological distress such as fear, anxiety, stress and depression.

Develop your awareness

Mindfulness and compassion can heal, through broadening our awareness, our understanding, our forgiveness and our acceptance of ourselves - and others.

Mindfulness training will:


Introducing Mindfulness

This course is designed for anyone interested in exploring some key mindfulness themes and practices in ways that might support them personally, in everyday life and work. It takes place over 3 x 1 hr sessions, each of which explores a core theme:

  • Training our attention to create choices about where and how we place attention, and how this can fundamentally shape our experience.
  • Exploring different ways of being and knowing
  • Recognising the difference between reacting and responding

See events for forthcoming course.

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy – MBCT-L

Also known as Mindfulness for Life, this Oxford Mindfulness Foundation 8-week course was initially devised by Zindel Segal, Mark Williams, and John Teasdale.

It is designed to cultivate mindful awareness of your body, emotions and mind so that you can live your life with a greater sense of wellbeing, kindness and resilience.

It combines the strengths of Cognitive Based Therapy (CBT), with experiential mindfulness training. It is widely evidenced and has been developed in the light of research at Oxford University and other leading research centres.

Finding Peace in a Frantic World

Life can be relentless, frantic and exhausting – but it doesn’t have to be this way. Suitable for beginners, FPFW is an 8-week introductory skills-based course that cultivates our awareness of our tendency to function on automatic pilot much of the time.

You will learn skills for keeping your balance through life’s ups and downs, responding skilfully when difficulties arise, engaging with what is most important to you, and opening up to moments of joy, contentment, and gratitude. You will learn to flourish.

For more info and booking see Events

Mindfulness Based Living Course (MBLC)

One of the best secular, foundation mindfulness courses available. This certificated 8 week course, devised by the UK Mindfulness Association, is ideal for beginners and those wishing to refresh their mindfulness practice. Please see my 'events' page to view booking options from March ' 23

Compassion Based Living Course (CBLC)

This certificated course builds on the themes introduced in the MBLC. Participants must have completed an MBLC, MBCT, MBSR or similar to be eligible to enrol. The 8 week journey involves an experiential investigation into the significance and cultivation of loving kindness and compassion in all our lives.
Book now to add your name the list for the next course
(see events)

Mindfulness Based Living Course - YA

It is now widely evidenced that Mindfulness training with young adults has been positively associated with the ability to sustain attention, clarity, resilience, inclusive attitude, academic attainment, stress management and emotion regulation. It has also been associated with reduced reactivity, impulsivity, angry/hostile behaviour, perceived stress and rumination.
Available for schools and FE colleges - contact me for details

Oxford Mindfulness Foundation
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Advanced Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness
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Certification of Embodiment Coaching
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MLBC Approved Teacher
Mindfulness Association Member
MBLC-YA Approved Teacher 2024-25
Foundations of Embodiment Coaching
Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness Certified Practitioner
BAMBA Registered Teacher
Oxford Mindfulness Foundation

What happens next?

Is Mindfulness for you?

Are you often anxious, worried, lost in negative thoughts or perhaps lacking purpose and direction? Mindfulness teaches you how to ground yourself and how to respond to challenge, rather than becoming swamped by it - especially in difficult times.

Ready to book?

New courses beginning in March Go to 'events' or
F: @thiskindspace

Start your journey

Simple, guided mindfulness exercises show you how to support yourself, throughout what may be one of the wisest journeys you've ever begun in your life.

What can Mindfulness do to help me?

Practicing mindfulness helps us become increasingly self aware. When we begin to understand what lies behind the choices we make, we can discover a much easier way of being.

Mindfulness helps us become less reactive, less demanding and less critical of ourselves. We learn to perceive our life differently – not so much as a relentless struggle, but rather a series of steps which we can learn to notice and then actively influence for the better.

Mindfulness is the experience of living a life that matters, soothing, healing and truly befriending ourselves through cultivating kindness and compassion for ourselves and others.

What can Mindfulnes do to help me?

Practicing mindfuness helps us become increasingly self aware. When we begin to understand what lies behind the choices we make, we can discover a much easier way of being.

Mindfulness helps us become less reactive, less demanding and less critical of ourselves. We learn to perceive our life differently – not so much as a relentless struggle, but rather a series of steps which we can learn to notice and then actively influence for the better.

Mindfulness is the experience of living a life that matters, truly befriending ourselves through cultivating kindness and compassion for ourselves and others.

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