A few past events..

Recovering Mindfully
- Focus Centre, Galashiels, TD1 1DQ
- From Wednesday 3rd July 2024 (introductory session)
- 11am – 12.30pm
A free 8-week Mindfulness Course for people in the Borders who are in recovery from substance use and/or mental health issues.
The course aims to help you develop an in-depth personal experience of mindfulness and to lay the foundations for a sustained practice that can support you for the rest of your life.
Perhaps your addiction related struggle has been / drug related, food related, or perhaps more about clinging to negative behaviours and habits that are not serving you well? The practice of mindfulness encourages an attitude of curiosity and open-mindedness as your present experience arises and changes moment by moment.
Recovering Mindfully gives you the opportunity to suspend judgment as to whether you think these approaches work for you, at least until the end of the course. You will benefit most by approaching the course with open curiosity and with the spirit of patience and commitment. It means not knowing what the outcome will be or what will unfold, but trusting in the guided practices you are engaging in.
Mindfulness is a state of being which is accessible to everyone. Everyone can ‘do mindfulness’ and when you are in touch with the qualities of mindfulness you will begin to feel a sense of coming home to yourself, developing a more optimistic outlook and a sense of courage that can enable you to work with life’s inevitable challenges rather than avoid them.
Session dates:
10th, 17th, 24th, 31st July then 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th August
“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally. This kind of awareness nurtures greater awareness, clarity and acceptance of present moment reality. It wakes us up to the fact that our lives unfold only in moments. If we are not fully present, we may not only miss what is most valuable, but also fail to realise the richness and the depth of our possibilities for growth and transformation.” Jon Kabat Zinn.
This course is run with the support of Borders in Recovery and kindly funded by The Everyone Project

Mindful Workout: 1 x 3-hour Sunday Session
- Think Fitness 4 Less, 3 O’Connel Street, Hawick, TD9 9HT
- Sunday 28th April, 2024
- 10.00am – 1.00pm (includes tea / coffee break)
It’s great to feel fit and healthy! A good workout at the gym can do wonders to boost our physical strength, our mobility, and our attitude to our lives in general. But where are our minds when we’re pounding the treadmill, cycling or rowing all these miles – or when we arrive home afterwards? Do we notice?
Is your mind ‘in your body’ or do you notice yourself getting ‘lost in thought’ constantly striving, planning, problem-solving, remembering, ruminating about the past or perhaps worrying endlessly about the future? Whether we pay close attention to our physical fitness or not, it’s still easy to spend most of our lives ‘in our heads!’ For many, this can be stress inducing and anxiety provoking. It can become a serious obstacle to achieving a truly healthy and balanced life.
The above is simple to understand but it’s not quite so easy to do! Join mindfulness trainer Carol Carr in this 3-hour experiential workshop – an introduction to the 3 key elements of mindfulness that you can use to support you in your day to day lives.
Find out how to:
- Pay attention on purpose with curiosity and care
- Explore different ways of knowing and being, as ground for wisdom and self-care
- Respond skilfully to life’s challenges
- Begin to live in the present – life’s greatest gift
To book:

An Introduction to Mindfulness: 3 x 1hour sessions
- Woodside Plant Centre & Birdhouse Tearoom, Jedburgh TD8 6TU
- Thursday 18th Jan, Thursday 25th January and Thurs 1st February
- 4.30pm for 5pm start
Join Carol Carr in exploring the 3 key themes of mindfulness training and how they can best support you in your day-to-day life.
Paying attention on purpose with curiosity and care – a gateway to experience
Different ways of knowing / being as ground for wisdom and self-care
Responding skilfully – a practice for all aspects of your life – quite literally for life.
Cost: £50, includes 3 sessions, teas and coffees, course manual and recorded practices
To book:
- Email [email protected] or
- Call 07766 754 877